Founder's Membership
Olá tudo bem?
After 10 years of existence, I’m thrilled to be here again welcoming you on this incredible journey. What a ride it’s been! We’ve had plenty of fun, countless beats, and let’s face it – some moments of utter chaos. A lot has changed over the years, and I’m sure you’ve been here for most of it, so I’ll spare you a detailed history lesson. But one thing remains gloriously true: we survived, and survival, my friend, is the very spirit of Maracatu. Maracatu is resistance. It’s a heartbeat that has endured through generations of people who faced trials far greater than most of us can imagine. It is a cultural force that fought to thrive, and today, because of their resilience, you have the privilege of learning and playing Maracatu right here in Australia. Isn’t that a beautiful thing? We stand on the shoulders of those who came before us, and now we get to carry their rhythms forward. Goosebumps, right? I couldn’t be happier with how far this community has come. We’ve grown stronger and louder, thanks to YOU. Every clap of the alfaia, every sway in the cortejo, every shared moment of joy has been shaped by the incredible people who make up this family. That’s why becoming a Founder Member isn’t just a title – it’s an opportunity to help shape our future together. So here we are, I’m buzzing with excitement about what this year will bring. New rhythms, new faces, and the same fiery passion that brought us all together in the first place. Thank you for considering stepping into this role. In the spirit of community, Antonio Moreira |